J & M Reeves Christmas Greens Ltd.

Christmas Trees U-Pick & Sales
1595 Forties Rd., RR# 1
New Ross, NS
B0J 2M0
Phone: (902) 689-2471
Fax: (902) 689-2834
Email: info@reeveschristmasgreens.ca

J & M Reeves Christmas Greens was formed in 2009, but our success is firmly rooted in decades of experience. Situated in the heart of Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, the Reeves family has been producing and shipping Christmas trees to Canadian and International markets since the very inception of the industry. Our tree lots are naturally seeded and consist of various sizes and grades of Nova Scotia Balsam Fir trees. Throughout the year each tree is nurtured and hand groomed to shape them into some of the finest trees available for the wholesale market.
We believe in providing outstanding customer service, producing trees of exceptional quality, and continuing to grow the industry and our business through the use of sustainable harvesting practices.