New Ross Trails Society

New Ross Trails Society
Box 69,
New Ross, NS, B0J 2M0
Phone: (902) 689-2004

Recreation Trails in New Ross!
The Strategic Plan Action Committee of the New Ross Regional Development Society began working on theconcept of developing a “Trail Plan” for New Ross in 2016. Since this time, much work has been done to build a plan to create a “spectrum of trail opportunities in New Ross to appeal to a wide number of user types”. In 2018 we have formalized as a group and are now officially “The New Ross Trails Society”. We have held some wonderful events and have continued engagement with the community to learn more of what New Ross residents would like to see from trails in New Ross and explore trail opportunities. Such events included a family Bike Ride at Ross Farm, a guided hike to Popnar Hill, a community survey about trails and extra curricular activity in New Ross, visits to other local recreation trails, meetings with land owners for their valued input on what trails look like and could mean in our area, and many “kitchen table” conversations about the needs and wants of our community.
Currently the accessibility to trails in New Ross may be limited and we’re hoping to expand on this.
A few very exciting opportunities have arose from these meetings, events and gatherings, and a few in particular that we are working on now! The first trail being developed is located on the Murphy property on Porcupine Hill. In 2017, the Murphy family lost eight-month-old Ruby. New Ross responded with an incredible show of support and compassion. In recognition of this, The Murphy Family would like to say ‘thank you’ and have chosen to open their tree lot to the public for the enjoyment of all. They will maintain the lot as a working Christmas Tree farm, but they are excited to expand the potential of the property to include recreational trails. They understand that people have many different interests and that the property will attract many different types of users. Through sound development and management, we all feel that several excellent trail experiences can be created. Integral to this plan is the recognition of Ruby. There is one location in particular on Porcupine Hill that has an expansive view of the Village below and the rolling hills beyond. From this location one can see Popner Hill, Lake Lawson, the Gold River Valley, and the school in one sweeping view. This location is labelled “Ruby’s Spot”. This will serve as an anchor point for the trail plan that develops. We mark this spot now as a place of peace and quiet contemplation; and dedication to all the wonderful children of New Ross. Affixed to this is another 5-7km of trail that is being developed on the Murphy property to extend to “Max’s Hill”. Currently signage on this property is not complete but should be within the coming months. To access this trail: you will find its entrance behind the New Ross Credit Union, and can park in the Legion or Credit Union parking lot.
Another trail opportunity is the Old Annapolis Trail. This trail was the first attempt to connect Halifax and Annapolis Royal. Work began in 1784 but it was never completed (more info here,_Nova_Scotia). This is a combination of woodland trail and tree-lot road. It is 2.5K uphill on the way up to the ridge, and downhill on the way back. At the ridge you have a wonderful view of the village of New Ross, Porcupine Hill, and distant views of the ocean. It is great for hiking, biking and can be accessed by parking across from Hughes Diesel (134 New Russell Rd.), crossing through Hughes Diesel workyard, where you’ll reach a connector path to the trail.
NRTS is thankful for the generous opportunity the landowners, Murphy, Hughes, Elliott, and Sabean’s, have afforded us and the entire community of New Ross.
We hope that these will be the first of many trails that can be connected into a regional network. If YOU have some ideas for a Trail Plan, we’d love to hear about them or to learn more please contact: (902) 689-2004, or visit: ~Happy Trails~