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Virtual Silent Auction

PLEASE NOTE: This event is going VIRTUAL this year!!  The Silent Auction is an annual event hosted by the New Ross Regional Development Society in support of projects in the community of New Ross. This year people can do their Christmas shopping in the comfort of their own home! It will a bit smaller this year...Read more >

Christmas Festival Takeout Supper

New Ross Legion Branch #79 64 Forties Road, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

Dec 03, 2021, pick up 4pm-6pm Ham, baked beans, scallop potatoes, homemade brown bread roll and cookie. Cost: $15.00 Call Janet 902 275 8585 to preorder by Dec 01/21

Chili/Soup_Eat In or Take Out_FCC

Forties Community Centre 1787 Forties Rd, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

Where: Forties Community Centre When: Dec 4th, 12-2pm, 3-4:30pm Menu: Chili/Roll or Soup/Roll, dessert, tea/coffee Cost: Adult $10, 5-12 $6.00, under 5 $3.00  

Festival Dance_with Hal Bruce

New Ross Legion Branch #79 64 Forties Road, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

Dec 04, 2021, 9pm-1am Tickets on sale Nov 12 $20.00pp Must be double vaccinated to purchase tickets and enter dance.  Nova Scotia health restrictions in effect at that time will be followed.  

Event Series Crib Tournament

Crib Tournament

Forties Community Centre 1787 Forties Rd, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

Forties Community Centre Doors open at 12 noon. Registration starts at 12:30pm. Play starts at 1pm. $20.00/team Canteen available. Wheelchair accessible. Ground Level Information call: 902-689-2147

Turkey Dinner & Supper_FCC

Forties Community Centre 1787 Forties Rd, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

Where: Forties Community Centre When: Dec 5th, 12-2pm, 3-4:30pm Menu: Turkey Dinner, with all the trimmings Cost: Adult $15, 5-12 $7.00, under 5 $3.00

New Ross Regional Development Society-Meeting

New Ross Legion Branch #79 64 Forties Road, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

The New Ross Regional Development Society is a non-profit, volunteer organization that is a key player in the vitality, welfare and beautification of the New Ross community. Our primary focus is to improve the social, cultural, environmental and economic conditions in which we live, while respecting and preserving our heritage. We welcome anyone in the...Read more >

Event Series Blood Collection

Blood Collection

New Ross Family Resource Centre Hwy 12, New Ross, Nova Scotia, Canada

Time: THURSDAYS You must call Colleen Hull at 624-0406 to book your appointment. All Covid protocols will be observed, masks must be worn and sanitize when you enter the building.