Card Party @ FCC
Forties Community Centre 1787 Forties Rd, New Ross, Nova Scotia, CanadaCard Playing-Friday nights starting at 7:30pm at the Forties Community Centre. Call 902-689-2817 for more information.
Card Playing-Friday nights starting at 7:30pm at the Forties Community Centre. Call 902-689-2817 for more information.
We're Back! Live music starts at 8:30. Everyone Welcome! Cover Charge: $4pp/member, $5pp/non-member April 1st: Ricky, Wayne & Paul April 8th: '3AM' with Abella Assaff & Edie Madder April 15th:...Read more >
April 16: Easter Arrangement: Create your own Centerpiece. 1-3pm, $50 April 23: Making Biochair: Great wokshop to celebrate Earth Day. 1-3pm $25 April 30-Forest Floor Table Centerpiece: Forage through the...Read more >
Make a bucket! Basic coopering workshop at Ross Farm Museum! Description: Come to Ross Farm Museum to learn about basic coopering and make your own bucket. Taught by Ross Farm...Read more >
APRIL 30th 9:00pm-1:00am at the Legion. MUSIC BY “B&S DJ SERVICE” Cost: $5.00 advance $7.00 door. Door prizes. Pick up tickets at the Legion.
Forties Community Centre Doors open at 12 noon. Registration starts at 12:30pm. Play starts at 1pm. $20.00/team Canteen available. Wheelchair accessible. Ground Level Information call: 902-689-2147
Doors open at 12 noon, Registration starts at 12:30, Play starts at 1pm $20 per team, for more info call 902-689-2147 Canteen, wheelchair accessible, everyone welcome!
New Ross Canadian Legion-Branch 79 Come enjoy a coffee, tea, baked goods, and good conversation. Free will offering
Date: Every Monday, 10 - 11:30am Location: NRFRC downstairs classroom Free for families with children birth to age 5. Includes free play, art activities, reading, music, a healthy snack, and...Read more >
FREE Starting Mondays in April (4th, 11th, 25th and May 2nd ), 2:30 - 5:00pm. For girls, aged 10-12, gives them an opportunity to discuss issues relevant to them including...Read more >